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The 9 Soft Skills Every Salesperson Needs

Written by Roy Emmerson | Nov 1, 2023 2:30:36 PM

In today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, a sales professional’s achievements hinge on two things:

  1. Their grasp of product details/technical proficiencies.
  2. Their capacity to establish meaningful connections with customers.

These interpersonal capabilities, commonly known as “soft skills,” are pivotal in establishing trust, nurturing relationships, and ultimately sealing deals. 

This article will delve into the indispensable soft sales skills that every successful rep needs. Keep scrolling 👇

The meaning of soft skills in sales

Soft skills in sales refer to personal attributes, traits, and abilities that aren’t directly related to technical or professional knowledge. Nevertheless, they’re critical for enabling salespeople to be effective and successful.

Soft sales skills include things such as social interactions, emotional intelligence, and communication. They’re essential for building relationships with customers, understanding their needs, and ultimately closing deals.

These soft skills are often considered equally or even more important than hard ones in sales because they enable agents to connect with clients, gain their trust, and provide tailored solutions to their problems. 

Below, we present you with the most necessary competencies you’ll need in sales 👇

1. Communication

Communication practices are a set of abilities that enable individuals to convey information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings effectively to others.

In the context of B2B sales, communication plays a particularly vital role; it’s fundamental to building rapport with buyers, understanding their needs, and persuading them to make purchasing decisions.

Let’s delve deeper into communication and its significance in sales.

Active listening

Active listening is the foundation of effective communication. It involves giving your full attention to the speaker, focusing on their words and non-verbal cues, and showing that you understand and care about what they say. 

In outbound sales, active listening helps reps to understand their prospects’ needs and concerns, allowing them to tailor their responses accordingly.

Verbal communication

This type encompasses spoken words, tone, and delivery. 

Sellers must speak clearly and confidently, articulating their product’s value proposition, features, and benefits. Their tone and demeanour should be friendly, professional, and tailored to the buyer’s style.


Non-verbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures, convey a wealth of information. 

Salespeople should be aware of their own non-verbal signals and interpret the buyer’s cues to gauge interest, receptivity, and any potential objections.


Trade professionals often need to communicate through written means, including emails, proposals, and reports. 

Strong writing is essential for crafting compelling and persuasive messages that resonate with people. Written communication skills are vital for conveying complex ideas effectively, just like understanding how to buy ETH or other cryptocurrencies can be crucial for your financial endeavours.

Clarity and conciseness

Effective communicators convey their messages clearly and concisely, avoiding business jargon or unnecessary complexity. 

In sales deals, clear communication ensures that individuals understand a product or service’s value and how it addresses their pain points.

Feedback reception

In the sales process, it’s crucial to be open to feedback from clients and colleagues.

Constructive feedback can help sellers refine their conversation abilities and improve their performance.

2. Adaptability

Adaptability is a crucial talent in today’s rapidly changing world, and it holds particular significance in the realm of settling deals. 

This soft sales skill refers to an individual’s ability to adjust, evolve, and thrive in response to changing circumstances, new information, shifting priorities, and unexpected challenges.

Here’s a closer look at why adaptability is essential for professionals.

Changing market dynamics

Markets are dynamic and subject to constant fluctuations. Sellers must adapt to changes in consumer preferences, economic conditions, and industry trends to remain relevant and seize new opportunities. 

An example would be: can Arbitrum break the price of $8 by 2025? This question highlights the ever-evolving nature of financial markets and the need for strategic adjustments in the crypto landscape.

Product or service evolution

Companies often introduce updates, enhancements, or entirely new products and services. 

Therefore, sales pros must quickly learn about these changes and effectively convey their benefits to their leads.

Customer diversity

Sales reps encounter numerous consumer personalities, conversation styles, and preferences. Adaptability allows them to tailor their approach to each unique person, increasing the likelihood of making a successful connection.

To cultivate adaptability here, salespeople should:

  • Stay informed about industry trends and changes.
  • Embrace ongoing learning and professional development.
  • Seek feedback and constructive criticism to identify areas for improvement.
  • Be open to trying new techniques and technologies.
  • Practice problem-solving and flexibility in various scenarios.
  • Foster a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.

3. Empathy

Empathy is a fundamental human ability that allows individuals to understand and share the feelings, perspectives, and experiences of others. It involves the capacity to put oneself in another person’s shoes, to see the world from their viewpoint, and to resonate with their joys, sorrows, or challenges emotionally.

In the context of sales and deal-making, empathy is a capability that holds immense value. 

Why might it be so useful? Let’s find out.

Building trust and rapport

An empathetic salesperson can establish a deeper connection with their clients. When they feel understood and valued, they’re more likely to trust the company and be open to a sales pitch.

Understanding needs

This allows vendors to perceive and comprehend the unique needs, challenges, and pain points of their patrons. 

This understanding enables them to provide tailored solutions that genuinely address those needs.

Conflict resolution

In the course of sales, conflicts or objections may arise.

Compassionate consultants can de-escalate conflicts and find common ground by understanding the underlying emotions and motivations of both parties.

Reducing resistance

By showing sympathy, it’s much easier to reduce resistance. When people feel that the salesperson genuinely cares about their well-being, they’re more likely to be receptive to a pitch.

4. Confidence and resilience

These two soft skills are invaluable for personal and professional development in sales. Let’s find out more.

Strategies for building confidence

  1. Self-preparation. Thoroughly prepare for any interaction by knowing your product or service inside and out. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel.
  2. Practice. Practice your pitch, objection handling, and negotiation skills. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with a colleague until you feel comfortable and confident.
  3. Positive self-talk. Monitor and challenge negative self-talk. Replace self-doubt with positive affirmations that reinforce your self-confidence.
  4. Seek feedback. Solicit feedback from colleagues, mentors, or supervisors. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and build confidence.
  5. Visualisation. Visualise successful interchanges and outcomes. This mental rehearsal can boost your confidence in real-life situations.

Strategies for building resilience

  1. Mindfulness and stress management. Practice mindfulness techniques, meditation, or stress management to stay centred and manage stress effectively.
  2. Adaptive thinking. Develop a growth mindset, where you view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. Challenge negative thoughts and focus on solutions.
  3. Support network. Build a support network of colleagues, mentors, or friends who can provide encouragement, advice, and a listening ear during challenging times.
  4. Learn from failure. After a setback or failure, take time to reflect and identify what went wrong. Use this information to improve your approach and avoid similar pitfalls in the future. Collaborating with IntelliSoft, an outsourcing software development company, can provide valuable insights and solutions to navigate challenges and achieve success.
  5. Maintain perspective. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Remember your long-term sales goals and the positive impact that resilience can have on your overall success.

5. Emotional intelligence

EI refers to the ability to recognise, understand, manage, and effectively use one’s emotions while also being attuned to the emotions of others. 

In sales, emotional intelligence is a powerful soft skill that enables reps to connect with clients on a deeper level, navigate complex human-to-human dynamics, and achieve better outcomes. 

Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness, which allows sellers to identify their own strengths, weaknesses, and emotional triggers. This understanding enables them to manage their reactions and make more informed decisions.

Moreover, it’s useful for relationship management as helps to build and maintain long-term consumer connections. 

How can you cultivate this soft sales skill?

  • Practice active listening to better understand people’s emotions and needs.
  • Develop compassion by putting themselves in the buyer’s shoes.
  • Seek feedback and self-reflection to improve emotional self-awareness.
  • Manage stress and emotions effectively through techniques like mindfulness or stress management training.
  • Continually work on building strong people-oriented skills and emotional resilience.

6. Time management

Time management is a vital soft skill for salespeople, as it directly impacts their productivity, efficiency, and ability to achieve their targets. 

In the fast-paced and often unpredictable sales realm, effective time management is vital for prioritising tasks, staying organised, and maximising opportunities.

The importance of time management

  • Increased productivity. Effective time management helps your team accomplish more in less time. By allocating their time wisely, they can focus on high-priority activities that drive deals and revenue.
  • Improved performance. When your workers manage their time efficiently, they can devote more energy to activities that directly contribute to success, such as prospecting, follow-ups, and closing deals.
  • Consistent sales pipeline. Proper time management ensures that leads and opportunities are consistently managed throughout the sales pipeline. It makes it possible to prevent leads from going cold, maintaining a steady flow of potential customers.

Strategies to improve time management

  • Set clear goals. Begin by defining all your goals and objectives. Knowing what you want to achieve will help you prioritise your tasks and allocate time accordingly.
  • Prioritise tasks. Use techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix (quadrant method) to categorise duties as urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, or neither. Focus on the ones that fall into the first two categories.
  • Plan your day. Create a daily or weekly schedule that outlines your assignments and commitments. Include time blocks for prospecting, client meetings, follow-ups, and administrative work.
  • Eliminate time wasters. Identify common time-wasting activities, such as excessive email checking, unnecessary meetings, or multitasking; minimise or eliminate them from your routine.
  • Use time management tools. Utilise technologies like calendars, task management apps, and CRM systems to stay organised and keep track of your appointments and follow-ups.

7. Relationship building

Building and maintaining relationships is not just a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing process that’s essential for long-term success in the sales profession. 

Effective relationship building allows SDRs to establish trust, create brand loyalty, and generate repeat business. Let’s look at some of the biggest benefits.

Repeat business

Long-term relationships with customers often result in repeat business. Satisfied clients are more likely to return for additional purchases, especially when they have a positive rapport with the consultant.

Referrals and recommendations

Happy buyers are not only likely to return for more business but also to refer friends, family, or colleagues. 

These referrals can lead to new sales opportunities.

Customer loyalty

People with positive relationships with a company are more likely to remain loyal, even in the face of competitive offerings. Customer loyalty often leads to a consistent stream of revenue.

8. Problem-solving and negotiation

These soft sales skills are integral to overcoming challenges, addressing objections, and ultimately closing deals successfully. 

Let’s explore the importance of each skill and some strategies for honing them.


  • Addressing objections. Encountering objections from potential customers is inevitable. Effective problem-solving helps reps understand the objections, identify the underlying issues, and provide solutions that address the prospect’s concerns.
  • Tailored solutions. Problem-solving allows sales agents to customise their offerings, meeting each buyer’s unique needs. This tailored approach increases the likelihood of making a deal.
  • Handling complex situations. In complex scenarios, such as enterprise-level deals, these competencies are crucial for navigating intricate negotiations and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Strategies for improving negotiation

  • Prepare thoroughly. Before entering negotiations, research the person’s needs, industry, and potential objections. Be well-prepared with a clear understanding of your product or service’s value.
  • Establish rapport. Build a positive rapport with the consumer from the outset. A good relationship can make negotiations smoother and more collaborative.
  • Identify interests. Understand the person’s interests and motivations. What are they looking to achieve, and what is most important to them? Tailor your negotiation strategy accordingly.
  • Set clear objectives. Define your negotiation objectives and ideal outcomes. Be flexible but have a clear understanding of what you need to achieve.
  • Emphasise value. Focus on the value your product or service provides rather than solely on price. Highlight the benefits and ROI the purchaser will receive.
  • Seek win-win solutions. Aim for solutions where both parties benefit. This approach fosters long-term connections.

9. Learning and development

Investing in learning and development can put individuals and businesses on a successful path. Here are the benefits of this soft skill for salespeople.

 Improved communication

  • Enhanced relationships. Training helps individuals communicate more effectively, fostering positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and superiors.
  • Reduced misunderstandings. Improved communication reduces misunderstandings, leading to fewer conflicts and more efficient collaboration.

Enhanced leadership abilities

  • Influential leadership. Capabilities like empathy and active listening are vital for effective leadership. They help leaders connect with their team, understand their needs, and lead with empathy and compassion.
  • Conflict resolution. Leaders with strong soft skills can resolve conflicts within their teams more effectively, leading to a harmonious sales culture.

Increased collaboration

  • Teamwork. Qualities like communication, adaptability, and collaboration promote better teamwork. Team members who possess these skills work together harmoniously, resulting in improved project outcomes.
  • Creativity and innovation. Effective communication and open-mindedness encourage idea-sharing, increasing creativity and innovation within teams.

Enhanced company culture

  • Positive work environment: A workplace where employees possess strong soft skills tends to have a more positive and inclusive culture; this helps to attract and retain top talent.
  • Employee satisfaction. Training contributes to increased employee satisfaction, leading to higher morale and productivity.

Competitive advantage

  • Market differentiation. Organisations that prioritise training stand out in the marketplace. People often prefer working with companies that provide excellent people-oriented interactions.
  • Innovation and adaptability. Corporations with adaptable, creative employees are better equipped to innovate and respond effectively to changing market conditions.

Soft sales skills: key takeaways

Technical knowledge and product expertise are undoubtedly important in sales, but soft skills are what often make the crucial difference between a good seller and a great one. 

Effective communication, empathy, adaptability, emotional intelligence, relationship building, time management, problem-solving, negotiation skills, confidence, and resilience are all essential abilities that every specialist needs to excel in their role.

Plus, investing in their development can lead to increased sales, stronger consumer relationships, and long-term success.