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Fix your Funnel

We spent 8 years building a sales funnel that delivers 70% YoY growth.

Now, we're sharing all our secrets. In the first resource hub to help Marketers and RevOps fix leaks from MQL to expansion. 

Inside you'll find coaching videos, guides and step-by-step playbooks to help you close more deals from quality pipeline.

Fix Your Funnel Releases

Fix your funnel guide: 35 fixes that doubled our MQL to Opp rate

Sick of seeing leads enter the funnel and drop off? 

This guide breaks down 35 funnel fixes and experiments we've used to double our MQL to Opp rate.

From enrichment and routing, to direct-to-AE booking experiments, test them yourself to see more of your hard-won leads move seamlessly through the funnel.

Fix Your Funnel Guide, Marketing and RevOps

Fix your funnel: Tactical playbooks from industry experts

Funnel Stage:
Lead to Meeting Booked
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Building Gong's #1 sequence to re-engage lost champions
Reducing unqalified leads with personalisation
Quality conversions from targeting, signals and personalisation
Decreasing lead leakage with targeted nurturing 
Decreasing rejection rate with enrichment, targeting and alignment
0 > effective with defined lead life cycle stages
Decreasing closed lost by refocusing targeting and channels
Gaining trustworthy data with alignment and metric tracking
Optimising ABM targeting and experimentation
Increasing revenue with optimised lead routing
Using chatbots and enrichment to reduce friction
Using interactive demos to increase lead to meeting booked

Fix Your Funnel: Coaching videos from MQL to Expansion

EPISODE 1: Optimising high intent pages

EPISODE 2: Optimising lead routing

EPISODE 3: Optimising MQL to SQO

EPISODE 4: Improving SQO to CW, preventing churn and increasing expansions

Pssst... looking for a faster way to fix your funnel?

Cognism Enrich is a tool that automates the enrichment of Salesforce CRM data. We used it against our own records and saw some pretty wild results.

Faster sales follow-up + actionable CRM data = 1.7x more opportunities

Cognism Enrich Stats