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Sales Prospector

Find the right companies and decision-makers, ALMOST instantly

  • Build ideal-fit account and lead lists even faster than before with the power of AI Search capabilities
  • Enriched with premium situational and valuable contact data
  • Including the most accurate phone-verified mobile numbers on the market to speed up your sales cycle!
Data types

Advanced sales intelligence, ‘cause just “location”, “size”, and “industry” don’t cut it anymore

Modern buyers focus on the most relevant message.

Use Cognism's sales prospector to find out WHEN great-fit accounts are in-market, WHO the right person to contact is, and WHAT to say.

Combine firmographics, technographics, and buyer intent signals to truly understand your buyer to get your relevant message right in front of buyers. 

  • Find multiple entries in your accounts of choice
  • Operationalise the intelligence you've collected with premium contact data
  • Enjoy integrations directly into your favourite tools

AI Search, for 74% faster prospecting

We've stepped into a new era of list-building and outreach targeting, focused on efficiency and ease of use. 

  • Type, or speak your search directly into the search bar and watch the results roll in
  • Let AI-driven workflows foster efficiency in your teams by minimising manual tasks
  • Clarify your target lists and create a conversation of value with the few that matter, not the many that don't
Cognism is our EMEA B2B data provider of choice.
Gary Rosier-Taylor, VP of Sales EMEA
increase in outreach in 6 months
increase in opportunity generation

Connect & close faster with phone-verified contacts at scale

The typical prospect receives 100+ emails every day. Make yourself harder to ignore and create more personal connections using the salesperson's most powerful tool - your phone.

Cut the number of dials and successfully connect with buyers using compliant mobile data, cleaned against global do-not-call lists.

We offer multiple filters to unearth high-quality & phone-verified mobile data, ensuring you prioritise those high-value prospects that are the easiest to reach.

diamond data conversations
The sales managers used to make 100-150 calls per day. Now they can achieve their targets by making 30 calls per day because they are calling prospects who actually pick up the phone. That’s more results, less calls.
George McKenna, Head of Cloud Sales
saw ROI in 8 weeks
achieved target with 70% fewer calls
matched audiences (2)

Build highly targeted audiences for your marketing campaigns

Build personas and generate qualified audiences in seconds. Use verified emails to get more webinar signups and create custom audience segments across digital advertising channels with 90%+ match rates.

Then serve your ads to people who are most likely to respond to your campaigns and solidify your seat at the revenue table by increasing marketing's contribution to pipeline.

Cognism has allowed us to develop our personas further and deliver more targeted comms…now we’re able to quickly segment our audience and deliver the types of content that specific personas would be interested in
Tony Munro, Marketing Director
open rates
months for better response rates and inquiries

Integrated with your sales tech stack

Spend less time on manual research & data entry, and more time engaging and building relationships with buyers.

With Cognism it takes just two clicks to push account and contact details to your CRM or sales engagement software.

integrations (1)
Cognism has a direct integration with Outreach. You can immediately plug all of your prospects from Cognism into the software and add them to sequences. Most of our pipeline is generated through this integration. It’s really seamless.
Sales Impact Academy
Lianna Lachappelle, Global SDR Manager

When and how to use the Cognism sales Prospector platform?

Not sure when to use Prospector or how it works? Check out these example workflows to see how the product in action and get the most out of the tool.

Browse workflows

B2B sales
How to grow key accounts by targeting additional departments
B2B marketing
How to generate webinar/event registrants
B2B marketing
How to revitalise your stagnant LinkedIn campaigns


Prospector is a web application that speeds up your sales process by connecting you to the correct contacts faster. Prospector users can build account and lead lists on-demand. Spend less time cold calling and more time growing your sales pipeline.

Cognism Prospector can be used by both sales and marketing teams. Sales reps can find contact data of companies and prospects that match your ideal customer profile.

These can be found by applying various filters to find records enriched with high-quality contact data (including the most accurate phone-verified mobile numbers on the market) to start a conversation straight away.

Your marketing team can use the platform the generate lead lists on-demand before pushing to marketing automation systems. This assists your teams in improving their prospecting strategies.

Cognism’s sales prospecting tool saves your team a ton of time by providing an easy way to find accounts that match the criteria they're given. The tool helps to find actional contact data to reach decision-makers - getting you closer to your ultimate goal of closing a deal.

Ready to see how Cognism Prospector can help you meet & beat your revenue targets?